The Best Email Automation Campaigns For Any Business

The Best Email Automation Campaigns For Any Business

For online businesses, email marketing automation is a potent customer retention strategy. The issue is that many businesses are unaware of which automated email marketing is valuable enough to test and prioritise.

The benefits of using email marketing are substantial. According to VentureBeat Insight research, it yields the highest return on investment (ROI) among the most popular digital channels, giving firms an average of $38 for every dollar invested. According to the research, "84% of marketers feel email is vital or absolutely essential for client loyalty."

Email is still a highly effective strategy to promote repeat business, reducing the reliance of your e-commerce company on the occasionally erratic flow of new clients. Email marketing aids in brand development and attracts more lucrative customers.

What Is Email Automation?

Email automation is a crucial part of your complex marketing automation strategy. Many people believe that marketing automation and email automation are the same things. Actually, a part of marketing automation is email automation. Despite their differences, email, and marketing automation complement one another well.

You may use email automation to keep your email list interested by sending tailored email campaigns based on the data you already have about them.

But how do email automation and email autoresponders differ from one another?

Although an email autoresponder uses automation, not all automated emails are autoresponders.

Confused? Actually, it's very easy.

Email autoresponders are a set of emails (or campaigns) that you pre-configure to deliver to a list of subscribers on a predetermined timetable. However, email automation is more effective. Email automation enables you to send messages in response to a variety of subscriber actions, including links clicked within messages, messages opened, website visits, shopping cart abandonment, and much more.

Best Email Automation Campaigns

New customer email series

It's crucial what email you send to a new customer. You can lose out on a sizeable amount of money if you pass up this chance. You have the opportunity to establish a connection with customers that results in enduring loyalty and brand advocacy.

Ecommerce email receipts

A virtual goldmine of sales and income exists in email receipts: According to Conversio, receipts have an average open rate of 70.9%, which is higher than the 17.9% average for e-commerce.

They are thus the ideal setting to present an offer and nudge your clients toward an alternative course of action.

Re-engagement email series

Your subscribers might eventually begin to disregard your emails. An automated email campaign for "win-back" or re-engagement might spark interest. Nearly half of consumers who receive these emails open and interact with the following ones, according to a Return Path study.

That's not all, though. Additionally, you want to do to demonstrate to Google and other email service providers that your emails are in demand. A member of the Gmail Anti-Abuse Team stated in an interview with Campaign Monitor in 2014 that they are looking for "proof that your recipients adore, or at the very least, want, your communications." To put it another way, if you have a large number of inactive subscribers—those who don't open or click on your emails—your emails are more likely to go up in the spam bin or, worse, the promotions tab.

Emails related to abandoned carts

The Baymard Institute found that as many as 81.4% of online shopping carts are left. That's a lot of money that customers who were intrigued enough to add your product to their cart were willing to leave on the table.

Fortunately, there is good news: Business Insider predicts that smart online merchants can recoup approximately 63% of the lost revenue from cart abandonment, saving them as much as $4 trillion. A cart abandonment strategy and automatic cart abandonment emails are essential because of this.

Take this automated email campaign beyond a single email reminder to ensure maximum success. Consider sending out a series of emails, and you'll benefit long after the campaign is live.

Welcome email series

The first email someone receives after joining your mailing list is a welcome email. A welcome email can be sent to consumers, but in this instance, we're talking about new customers who haven't converted.

The average open rate for welcome emails is 45%, compared to 18% for advertising emails, according to statistics from Omnisend from 2016. Customers are actively seeing and responding to these communications, which presents a fantastic opportunity for businesses.

Email nurture series

Lead nurturing is a wonderful fit for automated email marketing. When you guide potential customers through each phase of the sales cycle, you are lead nurturing them toward a purchase. My business follows what we refer to as the 3/47/50 rule when it comes to lead nurturing:

  • 3% of your visitors are prepared to make a purchase right now.
  • 47% of your visitors aren't prepared to buy right away, but they will do so eventually.
  • 50% of your visitors won't make a purchase.

Although it is a generic principle rather than a proven scientific fact, we find it useful in describing the advantages of nurturing campaigns for eCommerce.

The majority of businesses concentrate on the 3 out of 100 visitors who are immediately ready to make a purchase, leaving out about 50% of visitors who will never make a purchase no matter what we do. Because they are not effectively nurturing subscribers, most businesses knowingly ignore 47% of potential clients. An email nurture series can help with that.


Email marketers should be aware that they will have subscribers that don't actively interact with their content. Considering that only 20.81% of marketing emails are opened on average across all major industries.

You should not, however, just put up with low involvement. You may create a strategy to re-engage followers who haven't read your emails recently with the help of the best email automation campaign. Two of the various ways you can utilise an automation email marketing engagement strategy to pique the interest of subscribers who have stopped replying to your content are by highlighting improvements and soliciting comments.

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